Friday 1 July 2016

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004 Michel Gondry)

Fabulous, eye-popping, a Barcelona of a film. What if you knew at the beginning of a relationship how you'd feel about each other at the end? This couple do, and still go for it. Are they crazy, or do we think they're wonderful? Oscar-winning screenplay by Charlie Kaufman, Gondry and Pierre Bismuth asks such questions and delivers a snaky and sneaky film which Gondry conjures into something like film magic as he so cleverly brings bits of scenes into others, recreating and reshaping memory as we fall through it (as they run around through his memory trying to preserve her). Scene in which car just seems to fall from the sky is astounding.

Clever film must have taken a hell a lot of planning and thinking about to produce such magic, which had me thinking of Cocteau more than once. And what a great cast - Kate Winslet, Jim Carey, Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Wilkinson and Elijah Wood - good enough for ya?

Shot by Ellen Kuras (also Away We Go, Blow, Be Kind Rewind) and edited by Icelander Valdís Óskarsdóttir (Festen).

"I thought I had more whisky than that."

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